This chakra lies just above the stomach & is the seat of the ego. This is the center of our personal growth, a foundation of our personality. It is assigned to the element of fire that empowers us from within. Our personal power lies here, through which we are able to directly perceive the vibrations from the environment we are in, so we may react accordingly. (Size 8.5"x 8.5")
Anahata Chakra / Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra is located in the middle of our chest associated with our heart, lungs, and upper back. Its element is the air that empowers us with every breath that we take. It connects the three lower emotional & physical chakras to the three higher spiritual & mental chakras. Its purpose is to achieve unconditional love that can neither be lost nor possessed but given without any judgment or criticism. (Size 8.5"x 8.5")